Welcome to Palash Foundation
Another feature of the NGO is to provide Higher Education to the underprivileged sections of the society. Deserving children who have done extremely well in studies and have to opt out of academics due to non availability of funds or guidance are guided back to the system by virtue of our volunteers and financial and intellectual help is provided free of cost.
Government reports indicate that 59 million children between 6-14 years do not attend school. Official information further indicates that just a little over one-third of all children who enroll in grade one reach grade eight. And this in a country which has made education for children in the age group 6-14 years a fundamental right.
Higher education is of vital importance for the country, as it is a powerful tool to build knowledge-based society of the 21st Century. With the growing size and diversity of the higher education sector particularly in terms of courses, management and geographical coverage, it has become necessary to develop a sound database on higher education. It is widely recognized that the existing data base on higher education is inadequate, out-of-date.
Government has set a target of increasing the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) from the present level of about 12% to 15% by the end of XI Five Year Plan and to 30% by the year 2020.
Our program is targeted at the economically disadvantaged youth in the 18-30 year age group in order to contribute to this gap in Education sector . India has a large percentage of youth who have not been able to complete their formal education and also do not have the required vocational skills to be gainfully employed. -
We try to :-
1) Train youth in relevant skills such as Carpentry, agriculture, hospitality etc. and
2) Help them start their own businesses.